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Knowledge Base
KarStanS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Świętej Katarzyny 4a/2
87-100 Toruń
tel/fax: (56) 652 13 63
Knowledge Base
M.A. Karwowska, E. Mrozińska, 1993,
Policy Support for SMEs in Poland, International Small Business Journa
l, Volume 12, No. 1, Woodcock Publications Ltd., Cheshire, United Kingdom
Evaluation report:
“The participation of the companies, which introduced innovations 18 months after the implementation of the projects
in the overall number of the enterprises participating in the projects” :
Privatization in Poland - report wrote
by Bastiaan Langeveld, student at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, trainee in KarStanS
"Poland Country profile" report of Georgia Butler - KIT – October 2012
"This is Poland" basic information on the socio-economic situation of Poland, report of Central Statistical Office, 2011
"The Republic of Poland", raport of Strategy and Analyses Department, 2010
CMS Toruń
Firma konsultingowa - nasze usługi: analiza finansowa, biznes plan, controlling toruń, doradztwo ekonomiczne, wycena patentów, wycena przedsiębiorstwa
Działamy na terenie miast: Toruń, Bydgoszcz oraz cała Polska.